I've been busy for some time now, but I'm coming here with great news : The new version of Ephemeral is out.
List of changes since last version :
- Bug Fixes :
- The right-click menu can now be used when groupped.
- Localization :
- Added a localization.lua. The localization - in French for now - partially works, but will need some more work for the addon to be fully translated.
- Props API.
- I am currently adding some wrappers and new functions for an easier use of the Props scripting.
Ephemeral API
You can either use these functions by the "/script" command, or use them by scripting Props.
/!\ Parameters between [Brackets] are optional.
- Emote (
--> Wrapper that works like a "/e" command.
- Say (
--> Wrapper that works like a "/s" command.
--> Send an Ephemeral broadcast for an anonymous RP action.
By default :
- Sound (
--> Will broadcast a sound to the selected Ephemeral user(s).
- Music (
--> Will broadcast a music to the selected Ephemeral user(s).
Example Prop scripts :
Ex. 1, a poisoned beer.
local playerName = UnitName("player");
Emote(playerName.." is slowly drinking a beer, but seems to be shaking.");
Say("What the...");
Action(playerName.." has been poisoned and has fallen on the ground.", true, "Zone");
Ex. 2, a corrupted sword.
local playerName = UnitName("player"); -- We get the name of the player.
Sound("Sound\\Creature\\Ashbringer\\ASH_SPEAK_01.wav", true, "Zone")
Music("Sound\\Creature\\Voidwalker_VoidWraith\\VoidWalkerLoop.wav", false, "Zone")
local resist = math.random(100) -- test to see if the player is mentally strong enough
if resist > 80 then -- the player has 20% chance to have the sword obey him.
Say("Shut up, cursed sword. You WILL obey me.")
else -- game over :)
Emote(playerName.." is looking at the runesword, slowly smiling as he feels its unholy power flowing in his veins")
Say("Yes... I will kill them all... One - by - one." )
Don't hesitate to try out new things !
Good luck :)
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