jeudi 17 janvier 2008

The English User-Guide !

[ Pour la version française, cliquez ici ]

Hi everyone.

Ephemeral is a World of Warcrafy roleplay addon that was made long ago, in 2005, and that enables the creation of Roleplay items.
It has been in a semi-working state for these two long years, but, with this "Renaissance" Edition, you have a fully working Ephemeral ! Compatible with TBC and last patches.

Now, let's talk about "How to use the addon", because I think you are here for that.


You can download the addon from here :


- Opening the backpack / Ephemeral :

There is a small "Backpack" Icon available near the minimap. Clicking on it shows the Ephemeral interface, which consist of a small backpack, with two buttons on the bottom and one button "Option" on the top.

-> The "Create" Menu
Clicking on "Create" shows the creation menu. Here you can choose several types of items to create :

- Books : You can create fully customisable books, with unlimited text length. The material of the book is customizable (Parchment, Marble, Steel...), you can choose to make it read-only or not, you can make a cover, and write any number of pages.

- Container : Want to make a locked treasure chest, with an Ephemeral object inside ? Then this is for you. You can make any container, choose to make it lockable or not, you can fill it, lock it, and send it to any other Ephemeral user. If locked, the target player will need the special key you made to get the objects inside.

- Key : You can create keys, made to lock and unlock containers.

- Intrument : A customizable item that, if used, makes the player /say or /emote, any number of sentence. The sentences can be played randomly or by linear.

/!\ If you want a line to be an emote, instead of regular '/say' message, just type '*' at the beginning of the line.
For example, if you have

I am the king of the world !
*spreads his arms and has a stupid smile on his face.

When you will use the Instrument, it will show randomly (or not) :
- /say I am the king of the world !
- /emote spreads his arms and has a stupid smile on his face.

Example : you can make a guitar that, if used, makes the player sing random lyrics, and emote random things. Another example would be a vial of poison that, if used, makes the targetplayer emote "Foo opens a little vial and inhale a deadly poison".

- Props : If the insrument is not enough, you can make scripted items. Props scripting should be only used by lua programmers, since it enables direct scripting. An advanced user can make wonders with this.

That's basically all the things you can do with Ephemeral.
Some usefull WOW API functions for props scripting :

- SendChatMessage()
- ep.Message("Text") <- Very usefull, this one shows text to the user only. Not a chat message - PlaySoundFile("file.mp3") (All the music files for wow are here )

You can check WowWiki for more lua / WoW API references.

The Item Explorer

The second button, in the bottom of the Backpack screen, shows an Item Explorer.
From here, you can send items to other players, you can organize yours, and even destroy them.
I'll make a full documentation soon, but I'm pretty sure you can figure out most of the things it does.

Interface Tips

How to lock a container ?

To Lock / Unlock a container, you must first make the container 'lockable'. Then, you have to create a Key.

When you have all the elements, FIRST left click the key, THEN right-click the container. It will do the job, asuming you have the right key.

How to send an item ?

You have two choice :
- First, you can use the explorer, and right click the item, a context menu will appear.
- Second, from the main inventory, you can shift - right click an item to show the same context menu.

Things to know !!

One of the (few ) remaining bugs are from the Whitelist/Blacklist. So, please, do not use this feature now. It will be fixed in the near future, but it isn't right now.
So, please avoid ticking the "Remember my decision"-like checkbox when receiving an item.

Well, that's all for now. I will improve the guide with screenshot, as soon as I find the time to do so. Of course, if someone is nice enough to do it for me ... well, keep me informed !

So, have a nice roleplay time, and welcome to the wonderfull world of Ephemeral !

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